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Leah Addams Web Design and Branding, Laptop, Camera Lens, Desk, Headphones






Transform ideas into
captivating digital experiences with Code+Forge!

Is your website feeling outdated or do you not have one at all? You're not alone.


Figuring out web design, development, and digital marketing can be overwhelming, whether your site looks old-fashioned, has complicated code, or isn't showing up in online searches.

At Code+Forge, we're here to help with all your website needs. We serve Delta, Montrose, Grand Junction, and businesses throughout Colorado and across the USA. Our specialties include web design, development, SEO, digital marketing, graphic design, and managing social media.

Let's improve your online presence with attractive designs, effective SEO tactics, and complete digital marketing services. As your dedicated partner, I'll simplify the process and increase your visibility online to boost your business.

Ready to improve your website and grow your business? Contact Code+Forge today and let's work together to succeed in the digital world!

The secret to getting ahead is getting started.

-Mark Twain

Monique Bolduc

Image by Ilya Pavlov


Web Design

Crafting visually captivating, user-friendly websites that effectively communicate brand messages. Encompassing layout design, color schemes, typography, and user experience principles.

Web Development

Website and/or web app creation and maintenance, addressing diverse business needs with front-end and back-end development, e-commerce integration, and responsive design to bolster digital presence and foster growth.

Social Media

Social media content creation and account management involve strategically crafting engaging content, monitoring metrics, and implementing growth strategies to enhance brand visibility and drive audience interaction across platforms.

Web Re-Design

Website redesign services revitalize your online presence with updated aesthetics, improved functionality, and enhanced user experience, ensuring your website remains engaging and effective in achieving your business goals.

Marketing & SEO

Online marketing and SEO services optimize your digital presence, driving traffic and improving visibility through strategic content creation, keyword optimization, and targeted advertising, ultimately boosting your online reach and business growth.

Graphic Design

Graphic design services create visually compelling assets tailored to your brand, including logos, marketing materials, and digital content, enhancing your brand identity and captivating your audience with impactful design solutions.

Image by Nick Morrison

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Enter your email address and receive a 20% Off coupon for your first service!

40% of users will stop engaging if they find the content or layout of a website confusing.

Stop draining your resources! Get the attention your business deserves!

Did you know...

  • Slow-loading websites cost retailers more than $2B in lost sales each year.

  • 94% of the factors that affect a user’s 1st impression of your product are design-related.

  • Almost 40% of users will stop engaging if they find the content or layout of a website shabby.

  • Visit-to-lead conversions can be 400% higher on sites with a “superior user experience”.

  • Mobile users are 5X more likely to abandon a task if the site isn’t optimized for mobile. 

  • 52% of users said a bad mobile experience made them less likely to engage with a company. 

  • 80% of users abandon a mobile site if they have a bad user experience.

Source: Intechnic

Ready to elevate your brand with Code+Forge Web and Graphic Design?


Based right here on Colorado's Western Slope, we're your local experts in crafting captivating online presences. Say goodbye to lackluster websites and hello to a vibrant digital reality that drives profits.


Let's showcase your business to your ideal audience—contact us today to supercharge your success!

Image by John Schnobrich


Let's Talk!

Schedule a free consultation call with me, and let's turn your vision into a vibrant, user-friendly website that leaves a lasting impression.

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